There’s been numerous rumours in the past surrounding a PSP2 from Sony. Many thought that Sony’s next portable device after the PSP 3000, aka PSP Brite, would be the PSP2. Instead we found another “PSP1 model” to complete the range of PlayStation Portable devices, the PSPgo.

EA recently revealed in an interview that as developers, they had gained early access to the next gen portable gaming device from Sony. Patrick Soderland, Senior VP has added that ” “Obviously as a developer we have had that access but, I’m not allowed to talk about it.”

Unfortunately in what way the access was provided we don’t know, whether they were given just specifications, a prototype, or a near finished product. It’s quite possible that it would be either the specifications, or an early prototype that developers are given access to, as many believe that the PSP2 will not begin shipping until late 2011, in time for the holiday season.

When it launches it will have to compete with Nindendo’s DS, both DSi and 3D models, as well as Apple’s iPod Touch and iPhone. Sony has led the way before in the portable gaming market but, will the PSP2 be enough to revive that energy and support that the original PSP had?

Sony haven’t confirmed the existence of a PlayStation Portable sequence and the above picture is one of many concept images of the PSP2.


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Sony recently announced that the PSPgo would recieve a price drop in the coming weeks but, only in the US and Japan. However, MCV have tracked down new information and Sony have now also confirmed to them that the PSPgo will be reduced in price in the UK too.

In Japan the PSPgo is to be reduced from 26,800 yen to 16,800 yen and in the US the Sony handheld will now cost $199, reduced $50 from the original $249 it was retailing at previously. The newly confirmed UK price drop will see £65 slashed off the current recommended retail price of £225, taking the PSPgo to £159.99 in UK stores.

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As a part of its latest promotion plans, Sony is offering discounted and free titles on the PSP. As a part of this deal, games in the “Favorites” line will be available at a price of $9.99 and those in the “Greatest Hits” line will cost $19.99.

Sony has revealed the first set of titles in the “Favorites” line that will be offered at a discount. This list includes Ape Escape: On the loose, Twisted Metal: Head On, Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow and LocoRoco 2 amongst other games.

Sony is simultaneously planning to offer other titles at a discount. These include Justice League Heroes, Manhunt 2, The Warriors and Sims 2. Games in the “Greatest Hits” line include Gran Turismo, LittleBigPlanet and Secret Agent Clank and these will be made available for $19.99

And this is not all. In another offer, if you purchase a PSP Go any time starting today till March 31st, 2011, you will receive a PlayStation Network voucher which entitles you to download 3 games for free.

With such offers up its sleeve, Sony sure has big plans for the PSP.


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Sony PSP 2 rumors

E3 is coming soon, but if rumors are to be believed the PSP 2 will not be unveiled just yet. The PSP 2 which is said to have exciting specs is expected to hit stores only in 2011. Sony Computer Entertainment remains defiantly tight-lipped on the matter.

Sources say the PSP 2 comes with a touchscreen and will have physical buttons as well. It has two cameras, one of which is forward facing while the other is at the other at the back.

Sony PSP 2 Concept image

Sources add the console could support Wi-Fi and 3G, which would be a first for the hand held series. UMD is likely to be removed completely, just like the PSPGo. More importantly, the hand held unit will be powered by a four-core Cell CPU.
It is not clear as to when exactly the PSP 2 will be released. Sony could possibly be aiming for a Tokyo Game Show or Gamescom presentation. 

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Sony PSP 2000 and PSP Go

Sony’s PlayStation Portable first made it’s entrance to the market five years ago, on the 24th March. It become available in the US then and saw release to other parts of the world shortly after. Since then, the PSP has seen several make overs. The original 1000 series is now referred to as the “phat PSP”, ever since the PSP 2000 series, aka PSP Slim was launched in 2007 making the portable device 33% lighter and thinner. Shortly after, in 2008, we saw the release of the PSP 3000 series, aka “PSP Brite”, which had an LCD screen with five times the color contrast ratio. Sony’s latest PSP offering came in the form of the PSP Go in Fall 2009. The PSP lost it’s UMD drive and instead, titles can be downloaded from the PSN Store. Currently there are more than 520 UMD titles and over 300 titles on the PlayStation Network.

You can view the full press release from Sony after the jump.

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