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Posts Tagged "North America"

Almost a year after Sony Ericsson announced the Satio, the handset has made it’s way to the US. The Satio has been available since October in the UK and faced many initial launch problems, including being pulled from stores. Hopefully with such a long gap between the US release, all the bugs should have been fixed. Although being almost a year after the announcement, is anyone in the US still interested in the Satio handset? If you are you can pick it up from Sony Style for $650.
The Satio is part of the entertainment unlimited range, bring CyberShot, WalkMan and Smartphone together.
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It’s official: The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and the Damned add-ons for GTA IV will finally make it to the PS3. Rockstar’s contract with Microsoft to keep the DLC exclusive to the Xbox 360 has expired, and SCEA has confirmed that the episodes will be available in North America on March 30th, 2010. A European release date is unknown.
I heard this one of the best DLC’s for this game, why would they make it exclusive. Is anyone still playing the game?
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Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. announced sales figures of their PlayStation 3 system during the holiday season. Accounting for holiday sales from the last week of November 2009 through December 2009, the PlayStation 3 system exceeded 3.8 million units sold worldwide.
Sony’s press release stated, “The PS3 platform experienced a 76% increase in hardware sales compared to the same period in the previous year, marking the highest record sales for PS3 hardware for a holiday period.”
Sony also noted that more than 38 million PlayStation Network accounts have been registered to date worldwide.
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Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) and game developer Polyphony Digital have just unveiled the final cover art for the highly anticipated PS3 racing game, Gran Turismo 5. You’re looking at the final cover art for the North America region.
The cover features the all-new Mercedes SLS AMG which is one of nearly 1,000 cars meticulousy recreated for the game. The SLS AMG can reach top speeds of 197 mph.
Gran Turismo 5 will be available this March for the PlayStation 3 system.
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SouthPeak Games has announced that Dementium II will be released in North America on February 16, 2010 and in Europe on March 5, 2010. I gotta say after playing the first one on my DS I am not looking forward to this one. Not because it’s bad but because it’s creepy!
Here’s a summary of Dementium II from SouthPeak Games:
“Dementium II continues to push the horror experience by melding FPS action and puzzles with a story and ambience that will have players on the edge of their seats. New wrinkles to gameplay, all new weapons, dual wielding items, improved interface and save system, and mind-boggling environments promise to engage gamers and spawn fear the likes of which some never thought possible.”
I can’t wait to see what rating this game is going to get.
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