Game developer Blacksmith Games is offering free games for your iphone . Throughout the month of December (Dec. 1-22), a free iPhone game will be given away each day on its Appvent Calendar 09. Reminds me of the Christmas calender and everyday you open it there is a piece of chocolate inside. Either way they are both yummy.
There are reported surprises on December 23rd and December 24th! Keep a look out. You can thank Blacksmith Games for making this possible.
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On the Europe PSN store update this week, several expansion packs have been released for various games. More songs can be purchased for both Rock Band and Guitar Hero: World Tour on the PS3 as well as for Rock Band Unplugged. Many addons for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 have also been added. Also on the PS3, content has been added for MotorStorm: Pacific Rift. The expansion pack is priced at £4.79/€5.99. The Monarch Signature Livery Pack is also available for free. Also for free, a new costume can be downloaded for Little Big Planet, the “Sacktue of Liberty” costume, as well as armour sets in Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires.
Five PSP games have been added to the store for full download, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (£24.99/€39.99), Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (£29.99/€39.99), Donkey Xote (£7.99/€9.99), Super Hind (£15.99/€19.99) and Numblast PSP (£3.99/€4.99).
Numblast is also available for the PS3 at the same price, along with Punisher: No Mercy (£6.99/€7.99) and topatoi: The Great Tree Story (£7.99/€9.99).
New videos have also been added to the store along with a PS1 classic. James Pond 2: Codename Robocod (£3.99/€4.99) is available for both the PS3 and PSP.
Source: PlayStation Blog
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The gaming event of the year has arrived and all the major players have revealed some juicy games and accessories. The event saw many announcements from Sony, although it wasn’t what everyone was hoping for. There was no word on a price cut for the PS3, which is a disappointment to many. There was also a rumour of a PS3 slim, but there was no mention of another PS3 model coming.
Here’s what Sony showed for the Playstation 3.
PS3 Motion Controller announced and demonstrated. Coming in Spring 2010.
Agent announced for PLAYSTATION 3 from Rockstar Games. PS3 exclusive.
Assassin’s Creed 2 gameplay demo shown and PS3 to PSP interoperability confirmed.
Final Fantasy XIV Online announced. Online MMO game coming in 2010.
Gran Turismo 5 shown.
Trico (The Last Guardian) trailer shown.
ModNation Racers coming in 2010.
God of War 3 first minutes of gameplay shown. 20 minute playable demo at E3. The release date of God of War III was announced for March 2010.
With the following announced for the PSP.
PSP Go officially announced. Includes 16GB storage, WiFi, Bluetooth. No UMD slot. Available at $249.99 on October 1, 2009.
Media Go announced for PC (media management solution for PSP).
PSP Toolkit reduced 80% to encourage new development on the PSP.
All PSP titles going forward will be released as UMD and digital download.
Gran Turismo for PSP shown. Runs at 60 FPS. Uses Ad Hoc mode to race with up to 4 players. Trading and sharing of cars with other players.
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker announced. Takes place 10 years after MGS 3, in the 1970s. Coming in 2010.
Resident Evil for PSP announced.
Final Fantasy VII announced for PSP (PSone classic). Available today on PlayStation Store.
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