PS2 De listed from NPD charts

The PlayStation 2 which turns 10 this October has been officially removed from the NPD  charts. The NPD Group tracks sales of video games hardware and software. Sony’s system has finally slowed down after a good 10 year run.

Sony PS2 Slim

“It’s interesting but not unexpected,” IGN PlayStation Executive Editor Greg said. “The PlayStation 2 turns 10 years old in October. Although the system is still selling well, it’s clear that its best days are behind it and Sony’s focusing on the PlayStation 3 and PSP. PS2 games are few and far between, so it’s time to get on with our lives. Well done, PS2. Enjoy retirement.” The

Nintendo DS is positioned to overtake Sony’s system as the best selling video game console of all time. The NPD Group expects the DS will exceed the PS2’s install base by October or December of this year.

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