Quantic Dream’s Heavy Rain has come in at number one in the latest UK charts. It’s Sony’s first number one since Killzone 2 released just over a year ago.
Top ten is below.
* 1 – Heavy Rain (Quantic Dream, SCEE)
* 2 – Alien vs Predator (Rebellion, Sega)
* 3 – Just Dance (Ubisoft, Ubisoft)
* 4 – Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo, Nintendo)
* 5 – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Infinity Ward, Activision Blizzard)
* 6 – Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo, Nintendo)
* 7 – New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo, Nintendo)
* 8 – Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (Sumo Digital, Sega)
* 9 – BioShock 2 (2K Marin, 2K Games)
* 10 – FIFA (EA Sports, EA)
Praise Jesus for saving us from video game violence! Some folks up in Maine didn’t take kindly to No Russian. The Maine Christian Civil Leage (MCCL) condemns the game, saying that “any decent citizen ought to ban it.” The game being Modern Warefare 2.
Here is what they have to say about the level and game:
“The ready availability of drugs, violent video games, and outrageous rock music is a witch’s brew which will eventually lead to tragedy here in Maine.”
“There is a well-established cause and effect relationship between video games and school shootings, and parents of some of the victims have sued video game makers. Mercifully, our own state has been spared the occurrence of any school shootings, but the danger is growing with each passing day.”
“All decent people should denounce the video game Modern Warfare 2; and join in opposing the sale and use of such games. Moreover, it may be time for Maine to begin a debate over the advisability of banning these games completely, giving due consideration to both the First Amendment, and the danger these violent games pose to the public.”
I don’t know if I feel comfortable with people telling me what is right or wrong, I think I can make the choice for myself. It’s all a choice until someone else thinks it’s wrong.
Gears of War is now available for download from the Games on Demand service from Microsoft. The game is only $19.99 but 6gigs of hard drive eating space. If you haven’t played this game yet grab it, it’s one of the games that changed gaming for me. This game came out in 2006, time flies doesn’t it?
Authoring tools and a player software package that will allow for the creation and play of custom Left 4 Dead 2 campaigns for the PC were released.
If you are looking to author a home grown campaign then look here for an update (available via Steam under the Tools heading). And, in case you were wondering, this new update works on mods for the original Left 4 Dead.
Well here you go my fellow gamers, Electronic Arts has released Dante’s Inferno Demo for us to download. You can search for it on Xbox Live or you can queue it up right from here.
Here are the details on Dante’s Inferno from xbox.com:
“Based on part one of Dante Alighieri’s classic poem “The Divine Comedy”, you play as Dante on his descent through the 9 circles of Hell: limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery, on a mission to rescue the soul of his beloved Beatrice. Armed with Death’s Scythe, Beatrice’s Holy Cross and magic powers, battle large scale beasts and bosses, some of which Dante will be able to fully tame to throw back Hell’s wrath to its minions, all at a fluid, fast-paced 60 frames per second.”
This demo is also available on Playstation 3 for download.
I have noticed that there are some good looking games on the iTouch and iPhone these days and I’m thinking they could even get better looking. Epic has recently demonstrated its Unreal Engine 3 (the same one used for games like Gears of War 2) running on the iPhone 3GS and 3rd gen iPod touch to Anand Shimpi of AnandTech.